Showing posts with label Orkut Features. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orkut Features. Show all posts

New Friends Map at Orkut

Dear friends, in a spree of many new changes in orkut, the team has added a unique friends map feature in orkut, this feature will display a world map in which your friends will be shown. you can zoom in and out depending upon the concentration of your friends, to access this feature all you need to do is.
Go to the profile of person whose friends map you want to view, now simply click on view friends, and in the middle of his friends and mutual friends, you will now see this new feature "friends map". This one is very cool feature added by orkut team, we would cross our fingers to see more like this coming soon.
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Manage Your Friends Easily on Orkut

Friends, I have been facing a little problem, i think a serious feature was missing from orkut which would help us in organizing our orkut accounts, because many of my school and college friend's name are same, just today orkut added this new feature which have solved my this problem lately and have made organizing friends very easier, as i have been saying in my previous posts that 2008 will be the year for many new orkut modifications and voila i just love this new feature for managing friends. Here is what Official Orkut Blog have to say about this...

Friend groups have been on orkut for some time now, but we're now making them more accessible throughout the site to make it easier for you to create new groups or add new friends to them. Here's what's changed: when you add a new friend or accept a friend request, you can now select which group(s) you want to add them to. You can also modify these groups (rename them, remove them or add new ones) either when you add or accept a friend, or on the friend management page. And we've turned friendship levels into groups for you, so that you can send messages to all your best friends, or see all the friends on orkut that you haven't met offline yet.

These guys at orkut are surely working at their best to give us all improved orkuting and latest features to manage our friends and social networking, my sincere wishes and hats off to these guys... they rock :)

Well you might also like to check out Orkut Trends, Content Privacy in Orkut Communities, save your orkut account from being hacked! Click Here to Read more!

Orkut Applications soon to go public

Well as i have mentioned in my previous posts that 2008 stores many new changes for the orkut. This is about to be true with google planning to release many applications that were being tested on Orkut Sandbox,
Official Google Blog

Starting this month, we're enabling developers to make their social applications available to orkut users. We'll start ramping up to more than 50 million people over the next few weeks.

To prepare for this growth, we're now accepting social applications. For a while now, developers have been able to write, test, and play with applications on orkut. Later this month, however, we're going to start rolling them out to orkut users. OpenSocial developers can submit their completed applications.

Well it would definitely be very interesting to see many new applications for the orkut, the site which really rocks the world!!!
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Upload Photos Easily on Orkut - Officially Now

Friends, remember that i made a tutorial about UPLOAD MULTIPLE PHOTOS On ORKUT now Official Orkut Blog have also posted about this feature here is what they have said
Official Orkut Blog

Back from a vacation? Had a party? Surely you must have a ton of photos to share with your orkut friends. Well, we're happy to tell you that we've made sharing those photos with your orkut friends even easier. We have increased the photo limit, so now you can share up to 1,000 photos, and made the upload experience faster for Internet Explorer users.

If you're on orkut with Internet Explorer, click on the link for "New! Upload multiple photos" on your albums page. It takes you through an instructions page for installing the application needed to upload multiple photos at once.

Well its seems that we were proactive on this feature than orkut blog, nice going for us, lets keep it going :) Click Here to Read more!

Confirmation Before Visiting to External Links at Orkut

This feature will surely add more security for orkut users which will ask them to be sure if they want to visit an external link posted, if they do not want this they can easily cancel it...
This feature will also provide benefit from posts which contain auto links to virus or spywares sites which are currently infecting many orkut users because of carelessness on our part!!!
This Post is inspired By This WebPage :)
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Upload Multiple Photos at Orkut

Orkut is the best social networking site on the net and they prove it again, to help the users in uploading photos they have launched a multiple photos uploader, which lets you upload 100 photos at a time, which is the maximum allowed at orkut...So if you would like to upload 20-25 photos at a time for one album its no problem at all buddy. This feature will not only help people to share their photos easily and fast it will also allow the tagging work easy!!! Here's how to add this feature in your account...
NOTE: This Feature Will Work Perfectly in Internet Explorer.
Step 1. You should go to any of your Album, You will now see something like thisJust Click on Upload Multiple Photos.

Step 2. It will take you to a page like this a pop up will appear and you should just click on install button, and after installing when you will click add images button you will see this screen. Congratulations my friend you are done...
You might also like to check out Captcha Hack for sending links, Powerful Orkut Toolbar, Beautiful Orkut Scraps Also.

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Last Login Feature Added

Wow, Orkut Team is all set to add more feature to orkut this year than they did in 2007. The latest feature added by them is Last Login Feature...

This feature will be helpful to see whether someone other than you accessed your orkut account and will also prove useful to see if anybody have your password, if you happen to see that it is showing the last login time at which you have not login on orkut, " This should be taken as RED SIGNAL and you should change your password immediately!"

This Post is inspired By This WebPage :)
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Content Privacy in Communities to Block Non Members from Viewing your Content

Well its your community you have worked very hard for making it and reaching it to the level it has reached now, you have sufficient members now who come to your community for the content posted in it, well google now enables you to make your community's content visible only to your members.
Yes now community members can restrict the non members from viewing the content posted in the community, but it does not restrict in any way the members of the community to access the content in any way, if used in the right way this option will provide increase in the no. of members to the communities and community owners will be able to get more control over their communities.
If you own any communities Here's How you can do this:
Go to Your Community.
Now go to Edit Profile Option
Here you will see this option as shown in this pic.Now if you want to keep the content open to non members leave it as it is and if you want to hide it select the hidden option and save it, and you are done my friend...

Official Orkut Blog Says:

A wise man once said "Privacy is the condition of being left alone, out of public view, and in control of information that is known about you." Here at orkut, we're keeping up with your requests for additional privacy controls. We recently added new features that allow orkuteers to limit viewership of photos, videos, testimonials and scrapbook to friends.Based on your feedback, we've decided to go even further to empower the owners of communities to choose whether to make their community content private or public. The additional privacy control we've added allows you to make your community an enclosed entity so that you can discuss whatever you want within its walls (of course, content must abide by orkut community standards and policies), resting assured that only members can view your discussions, forums, and events. Have you ever thought of creating a community poll like "Who is the best teacher at your school?", but stopped yourself from doing it because the teachers might actually see it? Or perhaps you wanted to create a community to keep in touch with family, but didn't want to share your family events and posts with the whole orkut community? While communities are a great place to meet new people who share your interests, we understand that the current structure of communities sometimes makes it difficult to have intimate discussions with a select group of people. We hope that the introduction of private communities will fill this need.

You might also like to check our posts, Happy Birthday to Orkut, Gtalk on Orkut Homepage, Make your Scrapbook Colorful Also.

This Post is inspired By This WebPage & This WebPage :) Click Here to Read more!

Orkut on Mobile in Brazil not in India

i know this is an old post but this is important. Orkut has offered mobile orkuting a year back but when will it give its Second largest user base which is India this feature of accessing orkut through mobile. Many people are waiting orkut to contact to any big player in market such as airtel, reliance, tata, vodaphone but lets see when it will be available. Hopefully it should come soon.

One year Ago , Official Orkut Blog posted that,

While orkut users love having an online social network, we understand that a good deal of your social life happens offline. We wanted orkut to enrich the offline social life of its members, so we thought we could either give you computers with really long cords or we could bring orkut to the device you carry around in your pocket: the mobile phone. Thus the idea for an orkut SMS service was born. With orkut's new SMS feature, you can scrap your friends, look up their contact information and receive scrap notifications. Now you can send scraps from the bus, bar or bathroom, and your friends can get notified of those scraps when on bicycle, beach or bed. Along with the standard orkut features, we've included a few hidden goodies for the adventurous to find. We hope to expand soon to other mobile service providers in Brazil and around the globe.

Lets hope for sms orkuting India also. Click Here to Read more!

New Feature in Updates From Your Friends

Earlier we used to see in the "Updates from your friends" updates related to Albums, changes in profiles, videos but now if your friend add a friends it will also be shown in the updates, is not it cool feature to have. This would help in knowing what friends are doing and how much bigger their social network is becoming which is the purpose of Orkut.
Although though no official post or news have been made about this till yet, this post would be updates if any will be made.
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Year 2007 for Orkut

Official orkut blog take a review for what the 2007 year has meant for orkut. We have seen many changes in the orkut
the ones that are highlighted in this post at Official Orkut Blog can be Summarized are:

In January,
orkut SMS integration with Claro

launched integration with Google Video and YouTube

Orkut Buyukkokten, the creator of, visited Brazil for the first time. If you missed the visit you can check out the community and the photo album.

Community Polls were enabled

feed integration

launched official blog

receive the award for "Best Social Networking Site!"

launched the visual redesign

updates from your friends added

100 photos in your album

Google made the announcement that orkut would be opening up to developers through OpenSocial.

new privacy features
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Photo Albums on orkut - New Feature by Google

Google has added multi album in your orkut photos feature, which makes it very easy to organize albums in orkut. Now you can organize photos according to their names, for e.g if you have 20 photos of your vacation you can create a alubm with the title vacation add some discription and add your photos in that album.

Official Orkut Blog Says: Now that you can have 100 photos, we thought you might want to organize them into multiple albums to make it easier for you and others to enjoy. We were looking for ways to group all of our photos on orkut based on the different experiences that they shared. Today, orkut will be launching Photo Albums! Have many photos from a recent trip? Create an album specifically for that trip. Lots of pics from a recent night out with friends? Create another album with just those photos!

All of your current photos will be stored by default in their own album. Feel free to setup new ones by going to "photos" from your homepage. Once you have created an album, simply click on it and start uploading new photos inside. You can also change the cover photo by clicking on "edit" of the photo that you want to appear, and then selecting "album cover."

This feature will certainly make many many orkut users more happy... certainly google is all set to make orkut the best.

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bad, bad server. No dount for you Orkut Error

Bad Bad Server. No donut for you. This error message still shows sometime, earlier it used to bug me alot but now it has just become a part of the whole great orkut package itself. But this still become an irritating message when it come three or more time in a row.
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New Ask Friends Feature on ORKUT

Continuing the Great Feature Series of ours... one of the most useful features of the orkut is ask friends... sometimes you have the questions that only some of your friends can answer and some general questions for everyone.... orkut understands this need and give you chance for getting answers from a selected group of friends or from everyone in your friend list.
To add this new feature in your Profile. just follow these simple instruction manual...

1. Click on the add stuff link on the left sidebar of your orkut homepage....

now click on the add button as shown in the pic in front of the add friends link...

You will see this information at the top which means that this feature has been successfully added and you can see in in your left sidebar at home page.

Now click on this newly added ask friends feature.

and it will show screen like above... Type your Question, Select any option from suggested labels if it is related to what you post, or you can add your own labels also, labels will help in keeping your post categorize and easy to search using those labels.
You can enable this question visible to everyone in your friend list or only to a selected few friends. Now click Submit....

And in your friends "ask friends" option, it will show something like the above...

Well thats it...

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Invite Friends, Oldest Feature of Orkut

Many new features have come and make the orkut improve in its overall looks... but one feature that has not lost its value and which is still the oldest feature is Invite friends,

Invite friends is still have the same look and functionality that it has priviously, may be google will try to add a improved version of it in time to come but till that time this old fella will gonna be important and will not lose its value at all ....
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Find Gmail contacts on Orkut

Well this is the new feature in orkut, and will be very useful if you have a friends or contacts on gmail but not on the can easily find them by using this feature.

How to use this Feature...
Just click Find and add them...

(Orkut Help Center) Can I find out which of my Gmail contacts use orkut?

If you use a Gmail address to log into orkut, a "find friends" module will appear on the left sidebar. The "find friends" feature imports your Gmail contact list and shows you which of your contacts are already on orkut. You can also invite any of these contacts to join orkut if they haven't yet.

To see which of your Gmail contacts already use orkut, follow these steps:

1. On the left side of the homepage, you'll see a "find friends" box; enter your Gmail username and click "find".
2. On the next screen, your Gmail contacts who are already orkut members but aren't in your friends list will be displayed.
3. Select people you'd like to add as friends on orkut and click "add selected friends".

If you don't want to add anyone on this list as an orkut friend, you can skip the first step and move on to sending new orkut invites.

To send orkut invitations to your Gmail contacts who aren't on orkut yet, follow these steps:
1. Select those contacts you'd like to invite.
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter a word verification in the text box. (You can write a personal message in your invites at this time.)
3. Click "send invitations".

(Orkut Official Blog) One of the nice things about Gmail is that it adds the names of the people you have been in touch with over the years as contacts in your address book. Wouldn't it be nice if you could automatically find those contacts on orkut? We've started rolling out a new feature to do just that. If you use a gmail address to log into orkut, finding your friends is now just a click away. The find friends button on the homepage, friends page or friends list page gets you started on importing contacts. Your gmail address is already filled in, and since you've already logged into orkut, we don't have to ask for your Gmail password once again. We'll show you the contacts who are already on orkut, and let you choose which ones to add as friends. For contacts who aren't on orkut yet, we make it easy to choose the ones you want to invite to orkut. You can even add a personal message to send with the invite. Soon, we'll be adding support to import your contacts from other email accounts.


This feature is only available for your Gmail contact list. orkut doesn't import address books from other email servers at this time.

Your "find friends" feature will not appear if your orkut profile isn't linked to a Gmail account. You'll see an error if you try to access FindFriends.aspx directly.

Adding friends or sending new invites may be affected by daily limits. Try again tomorrow if you're not able to add everyone at once!
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New Scrap Alert At Orkut

Orkut is understanding the user needs and adding the new features which can kill many orkut hacks... ofcourse who will gonna needs a orkut hack if it has become its feature the latest in the category is the Orkut Scrap Alert...

(Official Orkut Blog) With scrap alerts you can be on any orkut page and find out that you have received a scrap - that very minute. You could be browsing your friend's photos, and find out "hey! I just got a new scrap." Then you can click on the "Scrapbook" link to reply on the spot. This way you'll be free to explore all of orkut, comforted in the knowledge that when you have received a new scrap, you'll know about it that moment.
This is a very cool feature but it can be made more cooler if they can add real time update system on it using ajax technology or something like auto refreshing so that we do not have to refresh the page manually... just a thought...

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New Privacy Features at Orkut

Oh well. .. i did not look closer to the privacy options setup for quite a time and it has been improved for almost everything...
Now you can set Scrapbook, photos, videos, testimonials, feeds all five can be set up to the level of friends. Which would definitely help the orkut users to hide their private option... as most of the orkut users do upload their original pictures and do personal messaging in orkut... with these settings on... users can feel more and more secure... Orkut Rocks... Click Here to Read more!

Google added News Feeds in Orkut Communities

Google has launched a news feed feature which will allow community owners to display News feed on their community as u can see in above pictures.

(Official Orkut Blog) Well, now you can stay up to date on news from within your community, because community owners can now display a news feed on that subject within the community. So while you talk to your fellow members, you can see what's in the news on the same subject, without leaving orkut.
To add this feature in your community just enable it by going to edit profile option on the left side
and enable the option for customized news which is disabled as default and just give a name to your customized news.. for e.g. you can give it the same name as your community...
and voila... thats it...

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Now Search Topics of Forums in Orkut

Google is all set to make orkut one of the best social networking site ever existed... it is adding a lot of new and exciting features to make it happen...
one of the exciting new feature added is that now you can search community topics also.. thus utilising the millions of topics there are in thousands of communities in orkut...

You can access this feature by using normal search feature where you normally search for your friends, communities etc.
or if you can find it go to this page

As in the above pic i have searched for the word test...
This will be one of the great feature in already shining orkut and would please many many users of orkut.. specially the serious orkuters like you and me...
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