Requirements: 1. Firefox Browser ( If you don't have it you can download it from top downloads link above) 2. Greasemonkey Installed : You also need greasemonkey extension installed in your firefox browser. (Learn how to install Greasemonkey in Firefox) Now we are all set Follow these simple instructions: Click Here to Install (thanks to Author for this script)
Ok now this one is specially for those orkut users who like to add lots n lots of friends, this mass friend adder is a simple script, which directly open the add as friend page, whenever you view a profile of some one else which is not ur friend, as simple as that! If the person is already in your friend list it will show already added! You can install it for a short time if you want to add a lots of friends, like a community filled with your classmates etc. you can disable or uninstall it after it.
Orkut Mass Friend Adder - New Working
Labels: Manage Friends, Orkut Hacks, Orkut Tricks, Userscripts
Orkut Scrap All on Homepage - New Working Version
Hey friends, Requirements: 1. Firefox Browser ( If you don't have it you can download it from top downloads link above) 2. Greasemonkey Installed : You also need greasemonkey extension installed in your firefox browser. (Learn how to install Greasemonkey in Firefox) Now we are all set Follow these simple instructions: Click Here to Install (thanks to Author for this script)
In last couple of months one thing which was on rock was scrap all, many people were doing scrap all to your friends for sending wishes and blessing to all of their friends, but suddenly a break have happened and the number of those scrap all have decreased to a significant extent! But here is a solution this is a scrap all script which will put scrap all link in your home page, just like this
So what say friends are you ready to put it in your orkut, just follow these simple steps and you are done!
Thats it my friend.... You might also like to check out Remove Orkut Virus, New Orkut Black Skin & Powerful Orkut Toolbar also.
Click Here to Read more!
Labels: Orkut Hacks, Orkut Tricks, Scrap All, Scrapbooks, Userscripts
Orkut Black Skin by Orkut Champ
Many days since we had a good orkut skin for changing the outlook for orkut, well guys here i present to you "orkut black skin" which is very unique looking and to tell u the truth favorite one of mine till now. So i don't brag any more, check this one for yourself
Nice one na, ya i know i know, so how to make it yours, Pretty simple i guess, follow these easy steps pals..
1. Firefox Browser ( If you don't have it you can download it from top downloads link above)
2. Greasemonkey Installed : You also need greasemonkey extension installed in your firefox browser. (Learn how to install Greasemonkey in Firefox)
3. Final step : Click Here to InstallA pop up window will open just click ok on it...
Thats it pal you are done.... just go to your orkut now...
Labels: GreaseMonkey, Orkut Hacks, Orkut Skins, Userscripts
Powerful Orkut Toolbar with almost all Features
Requirements: 1. Firefox Browser ( If you don't have it you can download it from top downloads link above) 2. Greasemonkey Installed : You also need greasemonkey extension installed in your firefox browser. (Learn how to install Greasemonkey in Firefox) Now we are all set Follow these simple instructions: Click Here to Install (thanks to Link ●๋๋• ! for this script)This is the most powerful orkut toolbar i have seen and that too straight away in your orkut profile. This toolbar have almost all features we normally use at orkut, but it is preseneted in beautiful and systematic way.
A complete list of Features:view Profile
Now you must be waiting for how you can install it, follow these simple instructions:
Edit Profile
See Album
view Settings
View Lists
View Scrapbook
view Testimonial
View Fans
View Messages
View Friends
View Communities
Make Text Bold, Italic, Or Underline
change Text Color
Add Smilies
Add Signature
Preview Scraps
Search Friends and Communities
Manage Signatures
Labels: GreaseMonkey, Orkut Hacks, Scripts, Userscripts
Get gTalk in your Orkut Home Page
How would you like to access gTalk within your orkut Homepage in your browser like this 1. Firefox Browser ( If you don't have it you can download it from top downloads link above) 2. Greasemonkey Installed : You also need greasemonkey extension installed in your firefox browser. (Learn how to install Greasemonkey in Firefox) Now we are all set Follow these simple instructions: Click Here to install it . (thanks to Baldev for this script)
I would definitely love it, you can just open it in your orkut account just above the friends block and side by side answer your scrapbooks in new tab. It is a lot of fun, though it does not have all the features of gtalk such as scrapbook notification for new scraps, it still is a script which is worth trying. After installing it there will be link Show Gtalk, just click on it and sign in!
Labels: GreaseMonkey, Gtalk, Homepage, Orkut Hacks, Scripts, Userscripts
Templates for Posting Designer Scrap at Orkut
Would you like to post scrap in beautiful designer like these ones, and many more. I sure like to do this. Posting scrap like these will make your message important and more beautiful to read, as well as they make someone's scrapbook colorful too. Requirements: 1. Firefox Browser ( If you don't have it you can download it from top downloads link above) 2. Greasemonkey Installed : You also need greasemonkey extension installed in your firefox browser. (Learn how to install Greasemonkey in Firefox) Now we are all set Follow these simple instructions: Click Here to install it . (thanks to Bean for this script)
After installing this script it will look like this, you can use various templates like blink for blinking message, 5 different templates, and a link maker to make image or text links easily.
you just need to normally type your message and just click on blink, template1 and then post scrap thats it. you can try various templates first and see which one looks best for you. you can create a beautiful scrap with this and then copy its code and send it to all your friends using our Scrap All Script.
How to install this script in your orkut account. Follow these simple instructions.
Labels: Designer Scrap, GreaseMonkey, Orkut Hacks, Scrapbooks, Scripts, Userscripts
5 Orkut Skins to Change the look of The Orkut
Well i am really bored with that blue skin of orkut and i would like to change it, i guess most of us really want to change it. well friends now we have a solution. Lets change our orkut skin to lets say pink, Verdi, Roxo 2, Preto, Facecut Requirements: 1. Firefox Browser ( If you don't have it you can download it from top downloads link above) 2. Greasemonkey Installed : You also need greasemonkey extension installed in your firefox browser. (Learn how to install Greasemonkey in Firefox)
It is the 50th post of orkut champ, so was thinking of posting something special for you friends, and this just pop in thanks to AAMIZ, Igor Thiago(author of the scripts).
Lets take a preview of all the skin one by one
So here's the pink
Well this is for all the girls out their, Girls just love pink so why not orkut be in that color, and you bro might like to install it in your girl friend's computer, she will love you for it.
Next skin is Verdi
Verdi is very different and odd looking skin it can change your orkut experience completely other than very different background that this skin has it is also have different scripts installed to make your orkut experience different.
Next is Roxo 2
Roxo 2 is pink colored text with dark background giving it a good look for both males and females, the skin is cool :)
Next is Preto
Preto has shining black background and brown color for text giving it a beautiful look with normal light blue color of orkut. what a masterpiece
Next is FaceCut
Facecut is orkut in white skin, well this one is my favorite and i will be using this one for my orkut skin for some time, thanks to the author for such a wonderful combination of blue, white and grey.
So you have chosen your skin, and ready to install, lets get it started then
For Verdi: Click Here to Install
For Roxo 2: Click Here to Install
For Preto: Click Here to Install
For Facecut: Click Here to Install
Thats it my friends, i m waiting for your comments :)
Labels: Firefox, GreaseMonkey, Orkut Hacks, Orkut Skins, Scripts, Userscripts
Orkut Enhancer - orkut hack for easy orkuting
Well how many time we want to check our friends scrapbook only and we have to go to their profiles first (which we have seen many times before). I always wanted to cut this crap and just go their scrapbooks, albums, videos to check the updates. Finally Orkut Enhancer has done this job for me :)
Orkut enhancer has the following features:
> Direct links to Scrapbook, Albums, Videos for your friends (as you can see in above image represented by S, A, V. You just need to click them and you will directly reach to your friends scrapbook etc.)
> Direct links at the Birthday reminder.
> Direct links at updates from your friends too.
1. Firefox Browser ( If you don't have it you can download it from top downloads link above)
2. Greasemonkey Installed : You also need greasemonkey extension installed in your firefox browser. (Learn how to install Greasemonkey in Firefox)
Now we are all set Follow these simple instructions:
Click Here to install text version (thanks to Saddy for this script)
Click Here to install Image Version (thanks to Hugo Cesar Pessotti for this script)
Thats it .... since you have liked this post you might also like to check out Enhanced Orkut Toolbar, Orkut Scrap Count on all pages, Send A Blank Scrap to your Friends.
Labels: Firefox, GreaseMonkey, Homepage, Orkut Hacks, Scripts, Userscripts
Enhanced Orkut Toolbar for Better Scraping
I like to send my friends colored scraps specially when they are birthday message and specially when you are sending to your loved ones, scraps that stand out from others are liked by most of the people, such as I like you looks beeter than just i like you and with a smiley it just gets better. So here is a simple solution for writing better scraps - Enhanced Orkut Toolbar.
Now lest see what are the features of this enhanced Orkut toolbar
> Choosing Background Color for your Text
> Makin your Text Bold, Italic or Underline
> Choosing The Text Color
> Choosing the Size of the Text
> Choosing from Cool Smileys
Now how can you add this cool toolbar in your orkut, well it is preety simple
Requirements: Firefox Browser ( If you don't have it you can download it from top downloads link above)
Greasemonkey Installed : You also need greasemonkey extension installed in your firefox browser. (Learn how to install Greasemonkey in Firefox)
Now we are all set Follow these simple instructions:
Click Here to install it .
Thats it .... were you expecting more steps !!!!
Click Here to Read more!
Labels: Firefox, GreaseMonkey, Orkut Hacks, Scrapbooks, Scripts, Userscripts
Orkut Scrap Count on all the pages
Well, i always wanted to keep a track of my scraps on all the pages, i just love to know the numbers so the scrap count on all the pages made my life easy to know how much scraps i do have. Praveen (Author ) has created an interesting greasemonkey script is needed to do this job. (Please note that Greasemonkey works best in Firefox, if you dont have firefox, you can download it from our top download links above and then see this article for How to install Greasemonkey in Firefox )
Well lets talk about what are the benefits of having this nice script.
You don't need to go to Home Page for checking your Scrap Count.
Any time a new scrap come you will automatically be notified (now orkut scrap alert do this job)
Its disadvantage not known to me at least till the time of the posting. If you feel there are some please comment about it. your comments are important to me so please comment about how you like this post.
Now here's how you can Use this Script.
1. You need Firefox and Greasemonkey for this script.
2. Download Greasemonkey From here if you don't have it and install it
4. Thats it enjoy now...
i hope you like this post you might also like to check out Voice Scraps, Orkut Ask Friends Feature, Yahoo Smiley in orkut.
This Post is inspired By This WebPage :)
Labels: Firefox, GreaseMonkey, Scrapbooks, Scripts, Userscripts
Browse Orkut without Javascript Support - Be Safe
Ever thought how would orkuting will be possible without javascript support, you would be thinking what the hell Javascript add the functionality of sending scraps, opening albums etc, however the point to note is that many viruses in the browser are entered through javascript only so if you want to have a safer browsing or orkuting you have to turn javascript off in your browser but if you would turn it off the orkut site will not work properly.
This script also helps in protecting from google suspending your account on using orkut javascript hacks.
Now there is a solution to this problem there is a greasemonkey script with which you can» send/delete scraps, messages, topics, events, polls;
The instructions for installing this script are:
» quick reply scraps;
» manage your community;
» report spam;
» accept/reject requests;
» accept/reject testimonials;
» add/delete users from lists;
... and much more, all this with the security of being navigating with disabled JavaScript.
1. This will require Firefox and GreaseMonkey! (New to GreaseMonkey?)
2. Download this script by clicking here.
3. A window will pop up just click on the install
4. Turn off your browser Javascript off, in firefox you can do this by Going to Tools>Options>Content Menu and uncheck the javascript option.
if you face any problem do post about it...
Labels: Anti Spam, Firefox, GreaseMonkey, Scripts, Userscripts
Yahoo Smilies for Scrapbook at Orkut
Well i dont know about you but i am a big fan of yahoo smilies which we used to have on yahoo messenger and i am quite addicted to them.... they look great and give our expression a new and funky way...
I was searching for a way to use them on orkut.... and it is not that difficult..
see the result..would you like to add it... just follow these simple instructions :)
1. This will require Firefox and GreaseMonkey! (New to GreaseMonkey?)
2. Download this script by clicking here.
3. A window will pop up just click on the install and you are done..
if you face any problem do post about it...
Click Here to Read more!
Labels: Firefox, GreaseMonkey, Orkut Hacks, Scrapbooks, Scripts, Userscripts
Orkut Scrap Deleter Script
This is the one of the most used scripts by people who want to have privacy in their scrapbooks and specially girls would like to use it to keep their scrapbook clear... for the obvious reasons...
So here is the script from Orkut Champ to give you all cleaner and nicer Scrapbooks.
1. This will require Firefox and GreaseMonkey! (New to GreaseMonkey?)
2. After that click here to install Orkut Scrap Deleter Script. A window will pop-up just hit install option!
Update: 20/01/2008: this script will put an option on your scrapbook page to delete all scraps thats it, click that button to delete your scraps.
Click Here to Read more!
Labels: Anti Spam, Firefox, GreaseMonkey, Orkut Hacks, Scripts, Userscripts